Friday, March 09, 2007

Mathieu Laville

Mathieu sent me from Italy a letter in this beautifully hand drawn envelope a little time before his tragic early demise.
This is what LAMBIEK says about Mathieu:

"Mathieu Laville studied fine arts in Lyon and Arts Déco in Strasbourg in the early eighties. He made illustrations in Vanity, Vogue and the Italian Marie-Claire. His work was influenced by Ever Meulen, Joost Swarte and R. Crumb. He also made several collages and pop-ups. Unfortunately, Laville died unexpectedly in a car accident at age 28, before he had his chance to truly become one of the "kings of illustration".

Mathieu Laville me mando una carta desde Italia en este precioso sobre dibujado poco antes de morir en un accidente automovilistico en la autopista Milan-Turin a la edad de 28 años.


Blogger Elliot Cowan said...

A very sad story and a lovely illustration.

1:28 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Si yo fuera cartero y me tocara entregar un sobre como ese...sí, lo siento, pero no podría evitar chorearmelo. Soy un canalla.

P.D.: Pero como tan malo no soy, metería la carta en otro sobre, le haría algún garabato, o le pegaría una fotocopia del original, y la entregaría con absoluta corrección y modales exquisitos.
Al final, en el fondo tengo un corazón de oro, como quien dice....

12:25 am  

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